How to Read the Numbers on a at&t Sd Card

Spreadsheet application by Apple Inc.

Numbers for macOS
Programmer(s) Apple Inc.
Stable release

eleven.two / September 28, 2021; 5 months ago  (2021-09-28) [1]

Operating system macOS xi.0 or afterwards
Type Spreadsheet
License Proprietary
Numbers for iOS
Numbers iOS.svg
Programmer(south) Apple Inc.
Stable release

xi.ii / September 28, 2021; v months ago  (2021-09-28) [two]

Operating system
    iOS xiv or later
    IPadOS 14 or subsequently
Bachelor in 31 languages

List of languages

English, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German language, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanaian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Castilian, Swedish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese

Type Spreadsheet
License Proprietary

Numbers is a spreadsheet application developed by Apple tree Inc. as part of the iWork productivity suite alongside Keynote and Pages.[3] Numbers is bachelor for iOS, and macOS High Sierra or newer.[4] Numbers ane.0 on OS X was appear on seven August 2007, making information technology the newest application in the iWork suite. The iPad version was released on 27 January 2010.[5] The app was later updated to support iPhone and iPod Touch.

Numbers uses a gratuitous-class "canvas" approach that demotes tables to one of many different media types placed on a page. Other media, like charts, graphics and text, are treated as peers. In comparing, traditional spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel utilise the table as the master container, with other media placed within the table. Numbers also includes features from the seminal Lotus Improv, notably the use of formulas based on ranges rather than cells. However, information technology implements these using traditional spreadsheet concepts, every bit opposed to Improv's use of multidimensional databases.

Numbers also includes numerous stylistic improvements in an endeavor to improve the visual advent of spreadsheets. At its introductory demonstration, Steve Jobs pitched a more than usable interface and better command over the appearance and presentation of tables of information.

Description [edit]

Basic model [edit]

Numbers works in a fashion somewhat different from traditional spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel or Lotus ane-2-3. In the traditional model, the tabular array is the first-class citizen of the system, acting equally both the primary interface for piece of work, and as the container for other types of media like charts or digital images. In consequence, the spreadsheet and the tabular array are one and the same. In dissimilarity, Numbers uses a separate "canvas" equally its bones container object, and tables are among the many objects that can be placed within the canvass.[vi] [N i]

This departure is non simply a case of syntax. In order to provide a large workspace, conventional spreadsheets extend a table in 10 and Y to grade a very large grid—ideally infinite, but ordinarily limited to some smaller dimension.[N ii] Some of these cells, selected by the user, concord data. Data is manipulated using formulas, which are placed in other cells in the same sheet and output their results back into the formula cell's display. The residuum of the sheet is "sparse", currently unused.[8]

Sheets often grow very complex with input information, intermediate values from formulas and output areas, separated past blank areas. In order to manage this complexity, Excel allows one to hide data that is not of interest,[ix] ofttimes intermediate values. Quattro Pro ordinarily introduced the idea of multiple sheets in a unmarried book, assuasive further subdivision of the data; Excel implements this equally a set up of tabs forth the bottom of the workbook.

In dissimilarity, Numbers does non have an underlying spreadsheet in the traditional sense, but uses multiple individual tables for this purpose.[6] Tables are an X and Y drove of cells, like a sheet, only extend but to the limits of the information they concord. Each section of data, or output from formulas, tin can be combined into an existing table, or placed into a new table. Tables tin can be collected by the user onto single or multiple canvases. Whereas a typical Excel canvass has data strewn across information technology, a Numbers canvas could build the aforementioned output through smaller private tables encompassing the aforementioned data.[10]

Formulas and functions [edit]

A newly created Numbers certificate is styled to indicate suggested header areas in column A and row one. Note that the table stops in the lower right of the screen, which tin be resized with the widget in the corner.

Subsequently calculation data and headers, Numbers has automatically created named ranges over the data. The ranges were used to create a formula that has populated column D. Note that the aforementioned formula can be used for the entire column—the row number is not required.

The table has been resized to show simply the used surface area, moved into the center of the sail, and styled. A chart has been added above the tabular array. The pane in the upper left shows an object tree, with the "sheet" objects beingness shown in a hierarchy of each sheet, every sail tin can be collapsed or expanded to evidence the canvas object independent within that sheet.

Consider a unproblematic spreadsheet existence used to calculate the boilerplate value of all car sales in a calendar month for a given twelvemonth. The canvas might contain the month number or name in column A, the number of cars sold in cavalcade B, and the total income in cavalcade C. The user wishes to complete the chore of "calculate the average income per car sold past dividing the full income by the number of cars sold, and put the resulting average in column D". From the user'south perspective, the values in the cells have semantic content, they are "cars sold" and "total income", and they want to manipulate this to produce an output value, "average price".

In traditional spreadsheets, the semantic value of the numbers is lost. The number in jail cell B2 is non "the number of cars sold in the month of Jan", merely simply "the value in cell B2". The formula for calculating the average is based on the manipulation of the cells, in the form =C2/B2. As the spreadsheet is unaware of the user's desire for D to exist an output cavalcade, the user copies that formula into all of the cells in D. However, equally the formula refers to data on different rows, it must be modified as it is copied into the cells in D, changing it to refer to the correct row. For instance, the formula in D4 would read =C4/B4. Excel automates this later task by using a relative referencing system that works as long as the cells retain their location relative to the formula. Still, this system requires Excel to runway any changes to the layout of the canvas and adjust the formulas, a process that is far from foolproof.[xi]

During the development of Improv, the Lotus team discovered that these sorts of formulas were both hard to use, and resistant to time to come changes in the spreadsheet layout.[12] Their solution was to make the user explicitly ascertain the semantic content of the sheets—that the B cavalcade contained "cars sold". These information ranges were known as "categories". Formulas were written by referring to these categories by proper name, creating a new category that could be (if desired) placed in the sheet for display. Using the motorcar example, the formula in Improv would be average per car = full income / cars sold. Changes to the layout of the sheet would non affect the formulas; the information remains divers no thing where information technology is moved. It besides meant that formulas computing intermediate values did not have to exist placed in the sheet and normally did not take upwardly room. The downside to Improv'south approach is that it demanded more information from the user up-front, and was considered less suitable for "quick and dirty" calculations or basic list edifice.[13]

Numbers uses a hybrid approach to the cosmos of formulas, supporting the use of named data like Improv, simply implementing them in-canvas like Excel. In basic performance, Numbers can be used just like Excel; data can be typed anywhere and formulas can be created by referring to the information past its prison cell. Even so, if the user types a header into the tabular array, something i ordinarily does as a affair of form, Numbers uses this to automatically construct a named range for the cells on that row or cavalcade. For example, if the user types "month" into A1, and so types the names "January", "February", etc. into the cells below it, Numbers constructs a named range for the cells A2 through A13 and gives it the proper name "month". The aforementioned is truthful when the user types in the figures for "sales" and "income". The user can so write the averaging formula in a category-like text format, = total income / cars sold. The formula volition notice the appropriate data and calculate the results independent of the row.[14] Similar Improv, this formula does non refer to the physical location of the information in the sheet, so the sheet tin can be dramatically modified without causing the formula to fail.[14]

Similar to Improv, formulas can be represented equally icons in Numbers, allowing them to be dragged about the sheets. One noteworthy example of this is a sidebar which contains the sum, average and other bones calculations for the electric current selection in the agile table. These serve a role similar to the sum that appears at the bottom of the window in Excel. However, the user can drag one of the part icons from the sidebar into the sail to make the calculation appear at that place.[14] In some other nod to Improv, the Formula List shows all of the formulas in the spreadsheet in a separate area, and allows edits in place or like shooting fish in a barrel navigation to their utilise in the sheets.

Numbers '09 contains 262 congenital-in functions that can be used in formulas.[15] This contrasts with Excel 2007'south 338 functions.[sixteen] Many of the functions in Numbers are identical to those in Excel; missing ones tend to be related to statistics, although this area was greatly improved in Numbers '09.[17]

Numbers '09 includes a system for categorizing data like to pivot tables. Pivots were introduced in Improv and were manipulated by dragging the category headers,[17] allowing the user to speedily rotate rows into columns or vice versa. Although Numbers has similar draggable objects representing formulas, they are non used for this feature and the direct manipulation is missing. Instead, Numbers places pop-up menus in the cavalcade headers allowing the user to collapse multiple rows into totals (sums, averages, etc.) based on information that is mutual beyond rows. This is similar functionality to a pivot tabular array, but lacks the ease of re-arrangement of the Improv model and other advanced features. Numbers 5.2, released on September 17, 2018,[18] farther improves on these features past adding Smart Categories, assuasive the user to "quickly organize and summarize tables to gain new insights".[19]

Pin tables were afterward added to Numbers 11.2 on September 28, 2021.[20]

Layout and display [edit]

As Numbers uses the canvas equally the basis for the document, media is non tied to the tables; one could build a Numbers canvas with a collection of photographs and no tables. In typical use, one or more tables are placed on the canvas and sized and styled to bear witness only the data of interest. Charts and labels are unremarkably positioned effectually the tables. Other media, like photographs or illustrations, can be added besides.[21] Numbers' display-centric model has been referred to every bit a "page layout and presentation app disguised every bit a spreadsheet app".[22]

Like other products in the iWork suite, Numbers includes a variety of styles and layouts designed past professional person illustrators. Opening an Excel canvass in Numbers results in a display with smooth fonts, and clean layout and color selections. These can then be modified, optionally using one of the supplied templates, and saved out to Excel format again with these styles intact. Numbers too allows sheets to be emailed in Excel format in a single stride, or shared through Numbers for iCloud.

Reception [edit]

Numbers has been well received in the printing, notably for its text-based formulas, make clean looks and ease of use.[23] [24] [25] Macworld has given it high marks, especially newer versions, application Numbers '09 four mice out of five. They did point out a number of common issues, particularly issues exporting to Excel and the inability to "lock" cells to prevent them moving when the table is scrolled.[17] Numbers for the iPhone and iPad have received like favorable reviews.[26]

Nonetheless, version three.0 of Numbers created an outpouring of complaints due to the loss of important business organization features,[27] [28] with the Apple support customs showing a 10 to 1 ratio of dissatisfied users with the newer version of Numbers. Versions 4 and five of the software put many of these features dorsum too every bit adding many new features and functionalities.[29] In their review of Version 5, MacWorld concluded that "Numbers five for Mac advances the app, making it more than useful for more purposes with less effort, simply information technology'south still a shadow of total-characteristic business organization spreadsheet programs."[thirty]

Other notable features [edit]

  • Highly table-centric workflow, where lists are piece of cake to construction with headers and summaries.
  • Checkbox, slider, and pulldown list cells.
  • Drag-and-drop of functions from a sidebar into cells.
  • A Print Preview that allows all editing functions while previewing, as well as real-time scaling and moving of tables to arrange them freely on the folio(southward).
  • Exports to Microsoft Excel, but lacks certain Excel features, including Visual Basic for Applications (absent-minded in the 2008 version of Part for Mac, although it was reintroduced for the 2011 version) and pivot tables (added in ver 11.2).

See also [edit]

  • Comparison of spreadsheet software
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Keynote (presentation software)
  • Pages (word processor)

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ For reasons that are not mentioned in the documentation, canvases are referred to as "sheets" inside the program.
  2. ^ Numbers can handle up to one,000,000 rows by one,000 columns per table,[7] versus the latest versions of Excel from Office 2010 onwards having a maximum of one,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns. Excel has changed its maximum size many times, originally 16,384 rows past 128 columns, while other programs of the same era often compared themselves past increasing this, e.chiliad. WingZ was 32,768 by 32,768 for instance.

References [edit]

  1. ^ "Numbers". Mac App Shop.
  2. ^ "Numbers". App Shop.
  3. ^ "Apple - iWork - Numbers - Create perfect spreadsheets in minutes". Apple Inc. Retrieved June xiii, 2010.
  4. ^ "Pages 7.two, Numbers 5.two, and Keynote 8.2". Tidbits . Retrieved Nov 15, 2018.
  5. ^ "Apple - iPad - Innovative spreadsheets in just a few taps". Apple Inc. Retrieved June xiii, 2010.
  6. ^ a b "Numbers, uncrunched.", Apple Inc.
  7. ^ "Most working with large data sets in Numbers"
  8. ^ Josef Stoer and Roland Bulirsch, "Introduction to Numerical Analysis (tertiary ed.)", Springer-Verlag, 2002, p. 610
  9. ^ David Ringstrom, "Tricks for hiding and unhiding Excel rows and columns", bookkeeping web, Apr 17, 2009
  10. ^ Hugo Jobling, "Apple iWork '09", Trusted Reviews, February nineteen, 2009, p. three
  11. ^ Paul McFedries, "Copying and Moving Formulas", Building Basic Formulas in Excel, August 27, 2004
  12. ^ Simson Garfinkel, "Improv: The Inside Story", NEXTWORLD, Autumn 1991, p. 34
  13. ^ Joel Spolsky, "The best software writing", Apress, 2005, p. 25
  14. ^ a b c "Formulas for anybody", Apple Inc.
  15. ^ "250+ Functions", Apple Inc.
  16. ^ "Excel functions (alphabetical list)" Archived August 30, 2011, at the Wayback Automobile, Microsoft
  17. ^ a b c Rob Griffiths, "Review: Numbers '09",, Jan 27, 2009
  18. ^ "What'south new in Numbers for Mac". Apple Back up . Retrieved October 9, 2018.
  19. ^ "Use smart categories in Numbers".
  20. ^ "What'southward new in Numbers for Mac".
  21. ^ "Intelligent tables", Apple Inc.
  22. ^ "iWork '08 Review: NUMBERS—Spreadsheet Layout App", Two A Day, Baronial 23, 2007
  23. ^ Phil Windley, "A First Look at Apple's Numbers spreadsheet", ZDNet, August 9, 2007
  24. ^ Rob Griffiths, "Apple Numbers '08 spreadsheet software", PC Counselor, August 21, 2007
  25. ^ Tiffany Maleshefski, "Apple iWork 08 Provides Unproblematic Only Solid Spreadsheet App", eWeek, August 17, 2007
  26. ^ Jason Parker, "Numbers for iPhone", cnet, May 31, 2011
  27. ^ "What has been gained in Numbers 3.0". Apple support community. October 31, 2013.
  28. ^ "What has been lost in Numbers 3.0". Apple support community. October 31, 2013.
  29. ^ "What'south new in Numbers for Mac". Apple Back up Pages. May 4, 2018.
  30. ^ Fleishman, Glenn (April 11, 2018). "Numbers 5 for Mac review: Inching closer to being a more total-featured spreadsheet app". MacWorld.

External links [edit]

  • Numbers —official site
  • Numbers—Free resources at iWork Community


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