Things Dont Appear to Be Working at the Moment. Please Try Again Later.


Sometimes, we're faced with situations where the merely way to get out is past taking a long shot. If all the easy options are bad, then the only thing we can practice is endeavor our luck and hope for the all-time. A lot of the time, such an effort falls short of the desired outcome, simply occasionally we do get lucky, and that small chance is all nosotros demand to go along trying.

Most of us have a story of a fourth dimension when we tried something we thought was doomed to fail, merely the odds ended up turning in our favor, and we came out on top. These "I can't believe that really worked" type moments make for entertaining and sometimes educational stories. Here are some of the luckiest stories from internet users who couldn't believe their good fortune.

Act Similar You lot Belong

I went to a music festival a few years ago with a bunch of friends who merely paid for the military camp, only non for the festival itself. I did pay for the festival and had my wristband on, but I joined my friends in trying to sneak in just for the fun of information technology. We walked around in the nearby fields and ended up somewhere backstage, hiding behind a tent.


The backstage was separated from the festival past a pop-up debate. They usually accept an entrance with a security guard somewhere, just we couldn't immediately locate it. So I came up with an thought: since I had my legit wristband on, I had nothing to lose. I just pretended to be really tipsy, having stumbled into the backstage by blow while trying to find a identify to go #1.

As soon as I left our hiding spot, someone noticed me, and I just went, "Where the heck is the entrance hither" in a tipsy voice, and the backstage guy showed me how to get "dorsum" onto the festival terrain. I stumbled through the opening in the fence, and equally shortly as the guy was out of sight, my friends followed. My piffling piece of acting got five of my friends a free festival day that solar day. Information technology however amazes me.

When I was virtually 11 years old and figurer monitors were all starting to become flatscreens, nosotros bought a terrible little LCD flatscreen. The plug for the unit I bought concluded up not having a tertiary pivot and it curt-circuited within a week of me getting it. The monitor'south colors were all messed upwards, flickering between random colors. This happened momentarily every few minutes.


My parents refused to buy me a new one because they saidI bankrupt my new monitor. It wasn't my fault! And so, being the bored kid I was, I just did my best to use it anyway. I think information technology so very clearly. I was playing Warrock, and the screen blacked out right earlier a firefight and got me killed. I thought to myself, if my parents don't buy me a new one, I'll just break it completely.

Without a second idea, I punched it in the center, right then and there. This stock-still the monitor. There was discoloration effectually where I punched it and a line through the heart, just there were no more random colors or more flickering. Who would have idea that a skilful punch was all I needed to exercise to fix information technology?

The Answer Is Always Tupac

I had a really tough math trouble in Calc that I didn't know the reply to. It had something to do with hip hop or rap sales. I didn't know information technology, ran out of time, and information technology was the last question on the assignment, and so I just wrote down the first answer that came to mind: "Rap died in 1996 with Tupac." She marked information technology right, manifestly out of oversight, simply my buddy abreast me tried really hard to answer it, got the incorrect answer, and the professor marked him incorrect. He was flabbergasted.


Happy Boars

I had to identify the preputial diverticulum on a pig in my anatomy last and I had a total brain fart on the proper noun. I remembered the clinical correlation—you have to remove information technology if you want boars to mate—then I wrote downwards "mating station" equally my answer. I ran out of time and had to submit my exam paper with "mating station" and figured it wasn't fifty-fifty worth arguing for partial credit.


I came to discover out at the review for the exam that someone else had argued that the professor himself called it the "mating station" in class. He had a lecture recording of him saying information technology and everything, and then he grudgingly gave back points to anyone who had put that down. The funny matter is, I don't even remember hearing him call information technology that during his lectures.

A Very Private Detective

I experienced all kinds of ruddy flags with this guy, simply I had no real proof of his sociopath nature. Just several suspicions. So one day, I checked up on one of his stories. He'd have brand new vehicles for a while, then they'd mysteriously vanish. He claimed to exist rich, from Mafia money, and he but "got tired" of that new Corvette or motorcycle or any.


And then I called the dealership where his last expensive auto had been "purchased" and pretended to be a individual detective, working on behalf of a rich client. "Merely checking out his reliability," I told the guy. "Nosotros run across he bought a Corvette…" The guy told me everything. Obviously, my friend put some short money downwards on the car, and so failed to make even a single payment after.

He too somehow successfully evaded the repo human being for MONTHS until they finally defenseless upwardly to him. I couldn't get away with it today, but dorsum then, people were more than naive and would spill the beans easily if you sounded legit on the phone. It was my 1Veronica Mars moment and I have absolutely no regrets considering it was and then fun.

Littlest Psychic

I told this daughter in second grade that I was a psychic. She didn't believe me, of grade, so she asked me to predict something. I told her, "Y'all're going to scream right now," and as she was saying, "That's dumb. Why would I," A kindergartner playing tag randomly savage and rolled dorsum into her legs. She screamed at the superlative of her lungs, and she was totally scared of me after that.


MacGyver Maintenance

I shine tile floors with a propane buffer. We were unloading the automobile from the van when the current of air slammed the door shut. The door hit the oil fill tube and shattered information technology. I needed to discover a way to fix information technology so nosotros could do the jobs for the night. It was 2 thousand. in the morn and the just place open up was a big box store. I walked effectually the hardware and automotive department for nearly xx minutes trying to find something to prepare it.


I ended upward with a pack of rubber anxiety for a barstool, cocky-tapping screws, and a coil of universal metal strap. I plugged the hole with the rubber human foot. It was tapered and fit perfectly. And then, I ran the metallic strap over the foot and screwed information technology into the frame of the machine. Information technology took a week to get a replacement part and that held the whole time.

Necessity On A Mountaintop

I was a network engineer for an Internet service provider at the fourth dimension, and I had to go to a mountaintop where one of our towers were located to perform some maintenance. I rode a snowmobile all the mode up there, and when I got there I realized I forgot the keys to the enclosure. Not to be defeated, I tried to pick the lock, and I got information technology to open afterwards about 20 minutes of trying. Yay, I didn't have to quit for the day and got the piece of work washed.


Go With The Flow

I was 12 years old and I didn't know how to swim. I wound up in the deep end of a puddle with dozens of other people who didn't realize I disappeared underwater. I struggled for a second, so remembered something my childhood friend told me: "All you have to practice to bladder is bend over in the water." I never had the guts to try information technology when she told me, just I was about to die, then, I only allow my body relax. I aptitude over in the water past my waist and floated to the surface, alive. I couldn't believe it was as simple as she said.


The Nicest Instructor Ever

My friend and I were in community college, and Halo three only came out. We had English papers the next morning, which we did not get done. When the teacher asked united states why they weren't done, I just told her we were up all dark playing Xbox in forepart of the whole class. She laughed, appreciated the honesty, and let u.s.a. plow it in tardily since we didn't prevarication.


Wasp, Managed

I worked in a grocery shop as a managing director and there was a wasp that was freaking everybody out. Ane thing led to another and, while my intent was for information technology to exist a joke, I flicked my shoe off my foot and smashed the wasp against the ceiling with my shoe. Information technology landed apartment on the ground in front of me. I just stepped dorsum in and kept going about my twenty-four hours. Anybody was standing in awe of my happy blow.


Parental Magic

The first time my wife and I went out to eat with our new baby, he was sitting in a babe seat adjacent to the table and started crying. I picked upwards a salt shaker and set it correct in front of him, saying, "Picket this." He looked at the salt and stopped crying. For the rest of the time we were at the restaurant, he was completely transfixed at the salt shaker.


Something For Nil

A company I've bought from before was offer free watches for customers who purchased over $300. I added iv of the "free watches" which were usually $75 into the cart, and information technology registered as $300. I went to bank check out the items and $300 appeared in the pecker. I added my shipping address and two weeks later, they came.


The Currency Accustomed Everywhere

I was in line to board my flight and when I reached the gate amanuensis, I asked if I could exist upgraded to beginning class, but as a joke. After a bunch of typing on her reckoner, she said sure and asked how I would like to pay for information technology. I said, "By asking nicely?" To my amazement, she gave me a boarding pass for my new first course seat.


Meeting The Band

My sis and I went to a bear witness together. She'd been going through some really rough times. I wrote the ring a letter of the alphabet about her and asked one of their merch guys if he could deliver it to them, hoping they could only give her a shout out during the gear up or something. About 20 minutes later, I got a phone call from the band's manager.


He told us to go to the side of the stage between the opener and the headliner, and nosotros got to lookout man the whole show from the side of the stage. They gave us a VIP run into and greet pass. The bassist came up and we learned that he was the one who pushed for u.s. to become what nosotros got. He was so nice about everything. He gave my sister a hug and posed for a photograph with her.

Proved Wrong

My entire course went on a field trip to an arcade to gloat completing center school. I was at a claw car (not sure exactly what information technology's called; I'm talking about the machine where you directly a claw and try to take hold of a toy with it) and I asked my friend to look at the claw from the side to see if information technology was lined up with the toy I wanted.


Just then, a male child from some other class walked up and said to me, "You know that those are a scam, correct?" I was flustered and hit the push to lower the claw without fifty-fifty waiting for my friend to tell me if it was lined up properly. The claw came dorsum up with Two toys and dropped them in the collection box. The boy was silent for a moment earlier proverb, "That was really pretty good" and walking abroad.

This Is My Badge, Permit Me Laissez passer

I went to a dirt track race in the middle of Illinois. My friend went to buy his own tickets. I walked up to the front end gate and pulled out a "Missouri Department of Conservation Heritage Card" that I bought for $2 to renew my turkey hunting tags. I walked up to the forepart gate (tipsy, mind yous) and said in a friendly simply stern vocalization: "Sir, this is my Missouri Section of Conservation Heritage Card."


I gestured to the gate and followed upwards with, "I retrieve this should be fine enough." He replied "Missouri conser-what?" Even more sternly, I said, "Missouri Department of Conservation Heritage Card, sir. It says right in that location." He and so said, "Oh right. Section—er—Missouri, yeah, yes, correct away go on through." I said cheers and walked in. I only saved like $7 but it was a fun story when my buddy asked how I got in before him.

When In Doubt, Hitting It

The fans on my old MacBook had stopped working. I searched on YouTube for a prepare and found a video that said, "Sometimes there tin can be lint or dust bottleneck upwards the mechanisms. A good thumping tin get them back in guild." The guy in the video proceeded to hammer the computer with his fists and the fans came back on. I shrugged, gave it a shot, and to my surprise, they hummed dorsum to life and I was back in business. I couldn't believe it.



I half-ran a stop sign and a cop pulled me over. By one-half-ran, I mean, I was doing a California slow-curl-through, and halfway through, I saw the cop and stopped. He walked up, asked me if I knew I ran the stop sign, and I said yes. So, I don't why, but I asked: "May I accept your mercy?" He took a step back, looked a trivial perplexed, ran my license, came back, and just said, "Today, I am merciful. Stop running end signs." He permit off with a alert.


Meliorate Than "Open Sesame"

My computer's CD player was jammed. I tried all the technical steps I could think of back in 1999 for my onetime biscuit-colored tower. Nothing worked. After several minutes of beingness super frustrated, I yelled at it, gave it a soft smash with my fist, and it immediately opened. My friend was shocked. Now he thinks I'1000 some sort of troubleshooting genius.


Crazy Cheap

The brakes on my SUV went completely out one day, so instead of paying for a tow truck, my dad decided to connect my car in front of his pickup truck with a big concatenation. My car could still advance just fine; at that place were simply no brakes, so we called each other on our prison cell phones and every fourth dimension I needed to tedious down or stop, I'd just tell him to hit his brakes on the pickup. It was completely stupid, illegal, and definitely dangerous just we got in that location just fine and I didn't take to drop a hundred bucks on a tow truck.


Make Way For The King!

I'm a straight dude with a lot of gay friends. One of them jokingly refers to me as the "Rex of the Gays." I was visiting some friends in some other urban center a few weeks ago and we tried to go into a gay bar, simply the doorman told me there was a cover charge. I, existence tipsy, blurted out, "BUT I'M KING OF THE GAYS!" He laughed and allow me in.


Nope, A Bard

A baby deer got trapped in our dorsum grand and was throwing itself into the chainlink argue. I remembered reading Cicero'sPro Archia, where he mentioned that sometimes animals react to music. So I told my wife to grab my guitar and I played a few chords. Sure plenty, the deer calmed down and started walking towards the music.


When I stopped playing for a second, it instantly freaked out again and started running into the fence. Then, equally soon as I started once more, it calmed downwardly and walked towards the sound. Once it got nearly half fashion, it saw the gate and ran out. My wife thinks I'm a sorcerer now. I'm basically an animate being whisperer with a guitar.

What Siblings Are For

Once when I was a kid, we picked upward burgers for lunch on the way home. I got settled in at the table and realized that I forgot to grab ketchup. I didn't want to stand upwardly again, and then I turned to my younger sis and said, "Ugh… I wish we weren't out of ketchup," to which she replied, "Huh? No, we aren't!" Nosotros went back and forth a few times until she angrily stomped to the fridge, grabbed it, and slammed it down right in front of me.


Faked It Until I Made It

I was a lensman in the army, and I had tickets to go to this music festival called VirginFest. I showed up with my work photographic camera (Canon 5DMkii) and went straight to the media booth. I acted confused as to why my name wasn't on the list and answered every question they had with "I don't know, I was simply told to exist here and shoot."


I then pretended to make some phone calls off to the side. 10 minutes afterward, this lady pulls upwards with a golf cart and hands me a media sticker and wristband. That was the day I shot my get-go concert which included Weezer, Glimmer 182, Taking Back Sunday, and Public Enemy. I used that twenty-four hours to brand friends with other photographers and land more gigs after.

The Cure For All Ills

My friend and I were going to the mall in her car. She started the car and everything seemed fine. She put it in reverse but all it seemed to practice was put the auto in neutral. No amount of pushing on the gas made the car move. The only reason we were moving back at all was because of the incline of the driveway.


Once nosotros rolled back on the apartment ground, she put it in bulldoze hoping that it would fix itself. Nope, we yet weren't moving at all. In a moment of what is either brilliance or sheer stupidity, I said, "Why don't you turn it off and turn it back on." Like it was a computer. Certain enough, when she turned information technology off and turned it back on, everything was fine. It was like zilch was ever broken.

An Easily Bribed Cat

I had a true cat that got sick a few times in a row. Afterwards ii visits to the veterinary, she started freaking out, throwing tantrums whenever she saw her carrier. It was impossible to get her into the affair. So we came up with the idea of baiting her into the carrier by putting a little slice of sausage inside the carrier where she couldn't achieve it without getting in. We thought she wouldn't buy information technology, but a girl has to eat, I suppose?


Baby's Off Button

We were at grandma'southward house for Thanksgiving. My wife has the two-month-onetime in the baby sling trying to become her to sleep, walking effectually and bouncing her. She comes over to me saying she can't become baby to slumber. I said, "Did you lot endeavour touching her nose? It's like an OFF button." I reached over, booped the infant's olfactory organ, and the babe closed her eyes. She was passed out for the side by side couple of hours while we ate dinner. I yet tin can't believe that worked.


Tea Towel To The Rescue

When I was 16, I was home by myself while my parents were on holiday. I got a niggling overconfident in my cooking skills and concluded up starting a chip pan oil fire. I was frantically running effectually the kitchen and vaguely remembered hearing about throwing a tea towel over the flames to put it out. I did information technology as a last gasp try and it really worked, but I was all set to grab my cat and abandon the house if it hadn't.


Money From Nowhere

A website was offer gift cards for half off. So I bought a $50 gift card for $25. Instead of actually sending you an actual carte du jour, they emailed you a code so y'all could utilise the carte du jour instantly. I then got the idea to meet if I could buy a gift card with a gift card. I added a $100 gift card to my cart and checked out… it worked.


And then I did it once more, and again…. until I turned my $25 into $400. I purchased a new snowboard from the aforementioned website. I was sure that I would get a phone call or email from them proverb that it was a issues in the system, but five days later, a new snowboard showed up at my door. I'm pretty sure they changed the organisation subsequently a bunch of people figured out that loophole.

Exorcising An Onetime Toy

While helping my best friend clean out his basement, we happened upon his sometime Bop-It. The thing was busted because the sounds all played out super slow and demonic. As a joke, I chucked it at his concrete basement wall while saying to him, "Hey, do you retrieve this volition fix it?" It slammed into the wall, then fell to the floor, landing on the large push and letting out a crystal articulate "Bop it!"


Unique Way To Stop A Great

I was pretending to exist a palm reader once in my math class, and I'd done my research so I didn't look similar an idiot. Anyway, there's this line that supposedly shows who your guardian angel is past a long stretch of the imagination. The idea is that the line that wraps around your thumb has marks on it, and each major one is the death of the person who will be your guardian angel.


And so I was playing this older hateful kid and I said, with good confidence, that someone he looked upwards to died when he was 12. It concluded up checking out, at least by the lines. He went silent for a few seconds and looked up with tears in his optics. His grandpa had died the day afterward his 12th birthday. He never was mean to me again.

Percussive Maintenance

I repair slot machines for a living. One was frozen with well over a thousand bucks on it. All the doors were closed, in that location were no jams in the dollar acceptor or the voucher printer, and all of the lights were on. I thought the game finally died and that we have to reimburse the guest for their lost money, which could have a while.


The guest jokingly asked if it only needed a kicking to work again, and I figured that since the game was old and durable, I'd indulge him. I kicked information technology, and the game came right back up. The guest proceeded to win another $500 or then from that spin. The game was good for the residue of the mean solar day, besides; no errors or anything. I played it off as gracefully every bit I could, but I think that was my life's height and I'll never expect that absurd to anybody ever again.

Does Anyone Understand Art?

It was in art class back in loftier schoolhouse. It takes me a long time to do fine art. I don't know why. I'chiliad pretty decent at drawing something I'yard looking at because I just draw every line I can see in the aforementioned shape and direction without skipping annihilation. Even so, I'm terrible at creating something out of nothing… Definitely non my forte.


Anyhow, everyone else was near two or three projects ahead of me, and the next projection I had to do was a darn coil pot with all these thin, long rings of clay that take forever to make. The pots had to reach a minimum height of 15 to 20 coils. It was super fourth dimension-consuming and I was already backside, so I said screw it. I quickly rolled upwards five giant rings that reached the minimum height and started on the next project.

The teacher came over, saw my curl pot, and called the entire grade to stop what they were doing and come up to my table. I thought I was about to get chewed out by him in front of everyone, but it turns out he was just amazed by my pot and had never seen anything similar information technology. He thought it was the coolest thing ever. I got total points for it and it was definitely the highest grade I always got in that grade. He even kept information technology to put in his display case in the hall.

Hail The Teacher Voice

I had a customer who left his lodge sitting with us for several months. Nosotros're a specialty store that typically holds orders for merely lx days, and this guy was way past that. Others had tried calling to no avail, and then finally 1 day, I called a left a voicemail using my "teacher vocalisation" telling him he needed to come up and get his order. Guess who showed upwardly the next 24-hour interval.


Smooth Sharpshooter

In 11th grade, I had a girl over to my house that I had a shell on. We were sitting in my bedroom listening to some Pearl Jam. As one vocal ended and the side by side track began, she said, "I don't really like this vocal, where is your remote? I'll change it." I don't know what possessed me to do it, but I said, "Oh I don't demand a remote."


I had a stack of pennies next to my bed. I grabbed ane and chucked it at my radio which was sitting about x anxiety away and nailed the next rail button. She turned and looked at me with absolute stupor. I played it off similar a god. The fact that I hitting information technology on the commencement try, I accept to think that she bought into the fact that what she just witnessed was my normal method for long distance radio control.

Black Friday Commitment Deal

Nosotros were moving and my fiance needed a new desk-bound. I saw one on a website on sale for $150, which was half the regular price. He decided to spring for it and added it to his cart. And then, he decided he might too pick it up in shop, so he kept switching between commitment and pickup from local locations. Out of nowhere, the total dropped to $0. We took a screenshot and waited for the price to render. We went through all the steps, got the $0 invoice, the aircraft notification, etc. It was delivered about a week later and no one ever called nigh it.


Dangerous Licensing

I fooled the DMV into thinking my out-of-state learner'southward permit was an actual driver license. I got it "renewed" and walked out of the DMV with a new class D driver license. I had never driven a motorcar or fifty-fifty taken commuter'southward ed.


New Utilize For Pantyhose

The alternator belt on my sometime Neon snapped while I was at a friends house. I had to get back to my firm where all my tools were. I was a teen at the time, then towing for $125 was out of the question. I grabbed what looked like used pantyhose from my friend's garbage bin, looped the pantyhose around the creepo and alternator pulleys, tied a knot, and miraculously made it home.


For The Family!

My friend's dad had an old Windows 2000 computer with a dead hard bulldoze. Normally, this wouldn't exist an result they could just get a new ane, merely unfortunately, this hard drive had the merely backup copy of some very important family pictures. I went through every troubleshooting step I could think of in society to recover the information and cypher. As far as I could tell, the bulldoze was completely shot.


So, in ane terminal desperate attempt, I blew on the connectors and the ports like I was trying to get my NES cartridge to work, flicked the drive with my finger and gave it a small dramatic speech about needing to stay alive for the family. The thing booted, stayed on long enough for me to take hold of the files, and then went dead.

We Totally Work Here

When I was in high school, some friends of mine institute bluish coveralls at the local thrift store for something like $3 a ready. We each bought a set, put them on and went down the loma to the mall. We walked into Sears, picked up a recliner from the floor, carried it out to my station wagon and collection away. I suppose it's truthful that if yous look like you lot vest, and then you vest.


Forgiven For Stupidity

I did a technically illegal pass on a backroad. The dude was doing 30 in a xl, so I zipped around him real quick correct equally a cop came over the hill backside united states of america. I got pulled over, of class. He asked me what the reason for my illegal pass was. "Stupidity," was what I said. He laughed for like 15 seconds, ran my license and insurance, then let me off with a warning and a lecture. I like him.


Let Them Eat Steak

As a post-dr., I was assigned to take a visiting professor out to dinner. The section would reimburse me, and I'm not 1 to pass up a free repast. I jokingly asked if the department would cover $200 for dinner for 2 people, expecting a no. I wasfloored when the reply was yes. Obviously, no one had always asked that question before, and there was no cap on the amount. My dominate was surprisingly cool with the idea. Five minutes later, I was Googling "best steakhouse in the city."


Serendipity For Ii

My roommate was brand new to college and told me: "Man, we have to go meet some girls." I said, "The girls' dorms are right over there. Go knock on the first door yous come across and invite them to our room to play games." As I expected, he chickened out and wouldn't do it. Wanting to prove how much of a sissy he was, I walked right up and knocked on the first door. Fast forwards to now: I've been married to the girl who answered it for seven years.


Xbox Torturer

My Xbox 360 stopped reading disks after some fourth dimension and eventually stopped ejecting the disks. I learned that getting the disks dorsum was as like shooting fish in a barrel as prying out the disc tray with the claw end of a hammer, and to go it to read the deejay, I had to mind to the sounds the Xbox fabricated to determine whether it was going to work or non.


If the fans didn't first upward and I didn't hear the disc spinning, I would hit the Xbox several times and repeat that until information technology would read the discs. I eventually perfected this art, much to the bewilderment and amusement of my friends, as well as horrified onlookers. I am the Xbox whisperer. No cleaved Xbox has a take chances against me.


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